Vila Coqueiros website design mocked up on iphones

My Roles

  • UX
  • Content Strategy
  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript

The Problem

Vila Coqueiros is a hotel on one of the most famous kitesurfing beaches in the world, but constant tinkering and updates had left the site looking inconsistent and outdated. They used a multi-site system, with a different site for each language offered, however updating 3 different sites was complicated and time-consuming.

This project is still in development.

The Solution

The answer was to design and build a site that represents their brand aesthetically and uses customer reviews from established sites to build trust with the user. I gave the client the tools to update the website easily across each language with a purpose-built back end, using Wordpress as a platform. The bespoke CMS uses a single-site system with bespoke fields to ensure consistency across all languages.

Build Trust

Users were checking out the hotel then heading over to the big booking sites to make their reservations. The main goal was to keep the user on the hotel website, encouraging them to book directly, as external providers feature advertisements for competitor hotels and potential customers can be lost in the transition. Based on user feedback I focused on two things to make this happen...

Examples of independent reviews and quotes from across the site

Independent Reviews

Users reported the importance of independent and unbiased reviews in their decision to make a reservation. Therefore the new site features the ability to pull in quotes from these websites as floating boxes that slide in between content panels. VC has outstanding reviews so it was a no-brainer to promote them prominently and proudly throughout the site in strategic locations. The same feature can also be used to highlight offers and calls to action.

photo of my screen showing Adobe XD and colours for each website design

Booking Feature

I spoke to people who have travelled to the area to see what stops them from booking directly with hotels. Something that came up regularly was that poorly built sites dissuade users from entering any private information, especially payment information, due to lack of trust. In this rebuild, every page is consistent, including an updated and in-brand booking module. The site had previously been using the plugin that comes with their hotel management software but it was unbranded and seemed out of place. Styling this plugin had its limitations as the structure is not accessible, I could only override CSS.